The Tome of Beauty
Essentially what this file does is have a servitor work on you, if you're a woman or girl only, and apply direct energy that pushes various areas to grow and "thin". It will induce fat apoptosis if you are overweight but slowly and safely, it will push to give one a more plump body, more round. V shaped, upper figure and a more seductive appearance sexually. It will work on making one fatter in the buttocks and chest, but not so much the chest as the butt. Balanced as per person.
Using this field you will experience over months becoming, hungrier at times, but usually around 3 hours after using the field. You will then notice getting fatter in you ass overtime as well as breast if they are on the smaller side, if they are too large it will likely reduce them, same with the ass. It aims for what is "energetically perfect" as in "it is true to the world even if one disagrees" as well as to the self. You will likely thin on the sides of your waist to get a more V like taper of the upper body but not hips. :)
For the most part that is all, the jist of it, but if you want to know more; you might get a rosier coloring or brighter more "seductive" coloring of the lips and other areas. Your body will be "induced" to produce some hormones that will promote better functioning of the breasts as well as overall sexual organs. It will heal the endocrine system a good amount as well so much as necessary. It will help with most thyroid conditions and the health of it. It will cause these main hormones signaled in the manor "perfect amount for health of the sexual body and mind" HGH, LH, but only for brief periods during the audio to prevent overuse; GNRH, TLR. Albeit, these are only the major ones. It will also as well as major genome changes as needed, there are precautions so it happens safely and overtime with the increase of macrophages, t-cells, and direct "killing" energy applied to potential malformations. This is mostly an energetic process and will take years for maximal results. It will be noticeable within 2 months at most of the differences.
That is all. Love you all and have a good day
The servitor within this audio is programmed not to work if one does not buy this audio from "Andel". As in the money doesn't go to him.
The Tome of Beauty, a physical body "beautification" field. For your self.